Impact of Technological Development on Industrial Progress
Communication and Information Technology is a science that is used by humans in distributing information or messages with the aim of helping solve problems in order to achieve goals. The development of information technology started from the era of computerization to the era of progress in the field of information systems. The use of computers was originally used for writing, making graphics and drawings as well as data storage tools.
With advances in technology, interaction between humans is able to eliminate the limitations of very long distances and the opportunity to reach all levels of society in any part of the world is becoming increasingly open. The internet as one of the impacts of the development of new technology can be a door for the entry of knowledge from various parts of the world. This makes the technology transfer process very fast.
Because the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology has an impact and influence on industrial progress on society and companies, both in the form of positive and negative impacts. The following is a positive impact of the rapid development of technology on industrial progress.
Ease of Accessing Information
The discovery of technology has changed the pattern of … Read More