Impact of Technological Development on Industrial Progress
Communication and Information Technology is a science that is used by humans in distributing information or messages with the aim of helping solve problems in order to achieve goals. The development of information technology started from the era of computerization to the era of progress in the field of information systems. The use of computers was originally used for writing, making graphics and drawings as well as data storage tools.
With advances in technology, interaction between humans is able to eliminate the limitations of very long distances and the opportunity to reach all levels of society in any part of the world is becoming increasingly open. The internet as one of the impacts of the development of new technology can be a door for the entry of knowledge from various parts of the world. This makes the technology transfer process very fast.
Because the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology has an impact and influence on industrial progress on society and companies, both in the form of positive and negative impacts. The following is a positive impact of the rapid development of technology on industrial progress.
Ease of Accessing Information
The discovery of technology has changed the pattern of communication in the world. Because information from all over the world is widely and freely available on the internet. This makes all information easily accessible anywhere and anytime.
Saving time
In this modern and advanced era, we can search for a certain place and even set a specific destination. The technology used to search the place is Google Maps by utilizing google maps, making it easier for us to find the exact location. The application made by Google is very helpful for navigating in areas that we have never visited. This will certainly save us time to reach the destination quickly and precisely.
Save Expense
One of the main goals of technology is to make things cheaper and more affordable for people. Therefore, technology cuts business processes that tend to be long and cumbersome, making the costs incurred by companies and users smaller and more efficient. For example, the use of human cashiers can be replaced with machine cashiers, besides the use of E-Cards to make payments on toll roads.
Innovation in Various Fields
Technology really has resulted in digitization and modernization in various fields. Be it medicine or agriculture or electronics, technology has brought about a global revolution. Better techniques in farming have resulted in more and healthier food. Layer farming techniques take up less space and produce more food. Better animal health guarantees higher yields from dairy and poultry products. The healthcare sector has also benefited greatly from the technology boom. Even an incurable disease like cancer has a proper cure now.
Technology for communication
In the Age of Communication Technology it has become very easy for people to connect and communicate with people all over the world. Cell phones are the best example of communication technology. Through mobile phones, people can contact and communicate with people, friends and relatives around the world very easily and at a lower cost. Before the invention of cell phones and telephones, people used letters for communication with their relatives and friends.
It is very difficult for people to communicate by mail because sending letters takes a lot of time and also costs. But after the invention of the telephone and the mobile phone, it has become very easy for people to communicate with their relatives in a matter of seconds. Through mobile phones, we can also communicate with relatives and friends through video calls. And I think this is one of the best advantages of technology for humans. This saves time as well as money for people in communication.