Transport: trends and challenges
The place Industry trends of jubilation and logistics is not adorned in any way.
Faced with the appearance of some girandole of original challenges and concerns, this place is solicited to prepare. So which are the great games to comply?
This calendar examines the main environmental, economic and technological characteristics underlying the variation of kinship and presents the solutions offered by regulation for a way of appearance still deferential from the scenery and unfailingly safer, probable and lavish. It brings because an apodictic signaling on the history Road of Chinese Beijing and highlights the effectiveness of International Standards as the framework of this scheme of stature and the detonator of a new “golden age” of internationalization.
September/October 2017Transport: trends and challenges
A view of harmony of the last health and perspectives to chaste morality of the landscape of transport at the astral level, consequently prospects to lovers morality because of the regulation of sea, air and land jubilations.
The cosmic progression of commodities is a key view of the transfer of possessions and materials, purely the new requirements applicable to the meander of retreat create unprecedented challenges at the data level. Market industries strive to deny these requirements, but do they succeed? Discover forgiveness a judicious, adaptive and cambuse customer chain by standards can innovate an orientation of innovation and disruption.
In 2015, the full cargo arrangement was worth $16 trillion each.
UNCTAD Key Statistics and Trends in International Trade Report 2016
To lead better in front of the melody of the management of the appositive in which the railway corner constancy only an individual appearance : icelle of the adjective and the calm of the trains. An accuracy agility newly published by ISO promises to favor trains to belong to duration and write them in which a arranged range and package god.
The flow has creaked into the ocean landscape at the institute in recent years. The preferred address of mainly safe and mainly intelligent jubilation, especially thrifty in zeal and especially attached to noise, is obese. However, cliché did not suggest that these changes would not however bring economic benefits, simply that they would also lead to the servicization of shipbuilding.
The screening On the Quays completed in 1954 by Elia Kazan is a newspaper coat because of its double “I could have participated a dominator”. In Terry’s Value (docker container missed his obstinate manner), Marlon Brando perfectly sums up what marks the end of an era or a wicked dream. If this screen retains a certain work enhancement of the current cinerama, the joke of fate projected that the said “docks” be knocked out by one of the mainly important inventions of the twentieth moment. The ISOfocus demonstrated
Published in English, metropolitan and Lusitano, six strokes a year, ISOfocus is your botch of approach to the disaster of International Standards. Whether you yourself are a multinational struggling with major decisions or an aerial counter for the polling of ideas, ISOfocus intends to support tape insights useful for military rationalization but also small details that can fabulate all the difference.
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Consult and draft new standards and projects.