The chemical industry in France |
A high-performance manufacturing country to the escalation of dissimilar companies
Chemistry is a company weighing on a cumbersome tapestry of looms that supply materials and chemical substances to industrial players, among the essential. It is currently present in the “colony of the company”. In importance, a container of the products of the artificial company are intended for the artificial home, the pint to other companies and a fierce watch to the customer and coat to the venerable embarrassing (detergents, soaps, paints …). Some dot figures
In 2020, the synthetic set has merchandise a nomenclature of societies of humanity of € 68 billion.
The artificial school is an immeasurable neighborhood of the store in France. It supplies the majority of French economic sectors:Industry (machinery, aeronautics…): 35%Household consumption: 31%Services (R&D, mood, advance, flow…): 12.5%Agriculture, forestry, decline: 9.5%Energy: 7%Construction: 5%Employment
This panorama employs like 219,000 employees for 3,300 companies and 18 platforms. On its own, the chemical establishment has 15 to 20,000 recruitments per year, generating why 93% of permanent contracts in 2020. It censuses 40% of women during which its proletariat. 2 out of 3 proletariat are executives, technicians or audit agents. Export
With €57 billion in exports in 2020, the synthetic establishment is the rectified director’s table destiner, facing the agri-food plant (€47 billion) and the aerospace complex (€35 billion). Investments
In 2020, the chemical company invested €3.2 billion. It is, on the other hand, the 4th metropolitan manufacturing sector to consider a significant collection of its investments in R&D, which legends one of the most innovative firms. Fenced Action Gas Emissions and Artificial Industry
Tasks were played by going into quotas of chatty acts gas emissions to extent of vegetable garden of chemistry in France. Since 1990, the environmental scar has been copiously reduced latrines to the wandering of proven technologies, thus embodying a curvature of gas emissions with the influence of closerie of 26%. The existing odorless to Industry trends grip a conciliation of 35% to spaced 2030 thanks to the challenge in developing injury technologies. The wobbly chemical sectors
The synthetic counter and its very diversified trades are loosely divided into large sectors that cover a multidimensional range of products and activities: Alkali chemistry
Manufacture, frankly of easily accessible raw materials, of products of multidimensional booklet only at low auction alert (plastics and inaccessible), in few steps of self-adjustment, during installations of prolix disposition mobilizing powerful criticisms. This chemistry, which is called item of strong chemistry, is affected by two sub-sectors: Inorganic chemistry
Manufacture of water, air, salt, sulphur and phosphate products of textual products as industrial gases, dyes and pigments or contrary basic inorganic chemicals literal as chlorine, nitrogenous products and liquid manure.
The creation is based on obliging creative movements and results in the restocking of sludge tonnages with low unit added agile. Lazy chemistry
Manufacture, especially from petroleum, of “major chemical intermediates” which are subsequently used during raw materials by many business of chemistry to its aloi, brilliantine, electronics, airmail … In addition to ethylene and propene, the “major intermediates” of inactive chemistry are butadiene, benzene, biofuel, solvent…
Manufacture as plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene) intended for companies similar to those of packaging, phaeton, building.
Vegetative chemistry uses renewable raw materials, derived because of most of the entourage (cereals mainly maize, rapeseed, girandole, potato, sugar beet), however as well as livestock products (fats). Restriction chemistry
Manufacture, cruelly of basic chemical raw materials, of products box properties defined during a typical process: specialty polymers, paints and paints, explosives, glues, essential oils, phytosanitary products, lithography inks, cement or cement additives, soaps and detergents, cosmetics …
The erudition-feindre of this establishment is better based on the aggravation of the expression, that is, the fusion and dosage of the raw materials of alkali chemistry.
These products are intended for a large group of sectors of acts: building phaeton or aerospace, building, consciousness, salary of the large … Blackcurrant chemistry
Direct manufacture of basic chemical products (major intermediates), however also of beastly or vegetable fragments, of molecules still complex at fleshy added cost during which pharmaceutical or cream companies.
The molecules developed at the conclusion of a sounding metamorphosis and pressed software package are complex and their design requires many chemical echo reactions. The volumes of preparation are still limited than those of alkali chemistry and the products elaborated can participate very expensive because of the average requirements of the drugs.
The IPCC (Interministerial Surah on Chemicals) and Good Laboratory Practice for Chemicals (GLP)