Opposition leaders said Kumar has opened communication lines with the top leadership of the RJD, the Congress and the Left. While the AICC made no comments on the reported talks Kumar had with Sonia Gandhi, Congress Bihar legislature party leader Ajeet Sharma, with whom Kumar initially spoke, conveyed Kumar’s message to the high command for opening dialogue at the highest level of the AICC. Bihar PCC chief Madan Mohan Jha also spoke to the RJD leadership to assess the latter’s view on fissures in JDU-BJP, ET has learnt. There are talks of Kumar visiting Delhi to meet Congress leaders.
“The public statement from Nitish Kumar’s close associate and JDU president Lallan Singh that the BJP had conspired with Chirag (Paswan) during last assembly elections to weaken CM Nitish Kumar and his party and that the BJP was still conspiring to do the same points to a very serious rift in the BJP-JDU alliance. It is for Nitish Kumar to make his move. If he indeed walks out of the BJP alliance, the RJD, given our commitment to fight and defeat BJP’s ideology, politics and misgovernance, will be ready to join hands with him to oust BJP from power. If Nitish breaks away from BJP, the natural option for RJD is to join hands with JDU and others to oust BJP from the government,” senior RJD leader Shivanand Tiwari told ET.
Without mentioning Kumar, AICC general secretary Tariq Anwar said, “the Congress is engaged in an ideological fight against the BJP. We will be open to join hands with forces who are ready to join the fight to weaken and defeat the BJP.”
Kumar had broken away from the erstwhile Janata Dal to launch Samata Party and aligned with BJP to assume power in Bihar. However, in 2014, he ended his long association with BJP, headed the Mahagathbandhan government with RJD and Congress, only to return to realign with BJP and lead a coalition government with it since 2017. He is expected to again bargain for the top post to realign with anti-BJP forces. While Tejashwi Yadav had vowed never again to join hands with Kumar after the break-up of Mahagatbandhan, his father Lalu Prasad has been open to it to oust the BJP.
If JDU with 45 MLAs leaves the BJP coalition unitedly, the party along with the RJD (80), Congress (19), CPI-ML (12) and CPI-CPM (4) will easily cross the half-way-mark in the 243-member Bihar assembly. Yet, opposition camps are cautious about the possible counter moves of the Bihar BJP and Delhi establishment. Unlike in 2017, when Kumar had his party nominee as assembly Speaker, a BJP leader occupies the crucial post now. The role of the governor will also be important. Just as Kumar has to keep his MLAs united, Congress also has the task to guard its 19 MLAs against poaching as Bihar looks set for another high-voltage power game.